
Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Ok so I have to admit it, I have several addictions. There not what most would catergorize as major addictions, but they are still things that I crave!

1. Food
It's obvious I love food! I love to make it and eat it both. I'm always willing to try something new. Wether it's squid or some exotic fruit. I may never eat it again but, I will always try it once.

2. My phone
Alright while my addiction is not as bad as a lot of people's I do really enjoy my phone. A LOT! And the next two thing are what I use my phone for the most and then texting!

2. Instagram
It is so time consuming! I'm always like "ooh has anyone posted anything new?". And if no one I'm following has then I'm really disappointed and I then proceed to look at random people's pages! (Don't act like you never do that.)

3. Wattpad
It's like a library where I don't have to return the books and I never get late charges. I spend too much time reading different types of books. I love reading so much!

4. Loud music
I love playing my music loud! It doesn't matter if it in my headphones or when I'm home alone and I blare it all through the house. There is something about music (especially when its loud)that makes me so happy!

5. Makeup/Hair products
I love experimenting with different brands to find out which ones are my favorite. I really like it when other buy it for me! You know I do have a birthday coming up...hint hint. LoL

6. Shopping
Please note I AM NOT a shopoholic! However I do really like to go shopping but I'm able to control myself and what I buy.

Ok so those are some of my addictions. I know this isn't the typical type of post but, I'm not a typical type of girl. Anyways, all my love my little blog readers!


Friday, March 22, 2013

Life changes...

Okay I know that I tend to forget about my dear sweet blog, but wow do I have a lot to tell now. 

So first up... Yes my newly wed parents are doing great. We are all settling into our new lives very nicely and I have been surprised how much fun it has been. We are renovating a shed and turning it into a man cave for him. Oh my soul the man cave is going to be so awesome it has a little kitchen and bathroom and also a loft. Its not quite finished but when it is I will definitely take pics.

And now the news on me... Dance classes have started again and I am in the advanced tap class. There are four other really wonderful ladies in the class with me and our teacher is just awesome. But the biggest thing changing with me is that I am working at losing weight. Its hard but its going to worth it. Today I am starting the lemonade diet (I don't think it should be called the lemonade diet but the lemonade cleanse). If you would like to learn more about the lemonade diet checkout

I hope you have a great weekend!
